Happy Fall, Y'all!
The Fall Equinox has passed, which means it's time to embrace autumn! If you're ready to set up a mini-pumpkin patch in your yard, remember to pre-soak your gourds in a bleach wash to help them survive the never-ending heat and humidity of Hurricane Season. And though we may not be ready for cozy sweaters and scarves just yet, it's never too hot to warm up to your neighbors; read on for details of National Night Out, a series of neighborly block parties that kick off the cornucopia of community events coming up.
Next HOA Meeting: Tues October 22, 2024 from 6-7 PM in St. John Vianney Room E-9
It's almost October, which means Football, Halloween, and Election season are upon us. Oh, and fall, of course! Hopefully, once these temperatures drop a little - and stay down consistently - it will feel more legit. Until then, I'm remiss to say the pool season has ended. But what an exciting season it was! It was heartwarming to see a record number of residents enjoying the pool week after week this year. As we head into the offseason, please pardon the clubhouse mess as the Renovation Committee begins the next steps to rejuvenate our facilities.
Indeed, it's a very exciting time in the neighborhood, with Neighbor's Night Out coming up on October 1st. Be sure to follow our Facebook page for the latest listing of block party locations, upcoming events from the Moms Club, and discussion of hot topics for the HOA.
I do hope the neighborly spirit flows through the rest of the season, and ask that everyone remember to be respectful of any team loyalties or differences in opinion. We certainly welcome displaying flags and signs to support your team(s) and/or political beliefs, but please remember to keep the Deed Restrictions (specifically, page 7) in mind when choosing what to display in your yard.
I hope to see everyone mingling at National Night Out and look forward to seeing you at our monthly HOA meeting, around the neighborhood on a walk, or at one of our many community events. From the entire board, we wish you a safe and cozy fall. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team with any feedback (good or not so good) or questions of any kind.
Here to serve you,
Sy Zaidi
WOC HOA Board President
Westchester is a part of the Memorial Super Neighborhood in Houston. Our next Super Neighborhood meeting is at 6:30 PM on Monday, October 28th at the Nottingham Forest Club.
Millions of neighbors take part in National Night Out across thousands of communities from all fifty states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide. Join the fun this October 1st to meet new neighbors, catch up with old friends, share ideas, and get to know the community that surrounds you.
The Constables and Fire Department will be making the rounds to each host home to meet you and discuss security and safety-related concerns. Visit the WOC Facebook page for the latest list of block party locations.
Our neighborhood Mail Carrier, Vinnie, is retiring after 38 years of service at the United States Postal Service. His last rounds are on Monday, September 30th. Many neighbors wish to express their gratitude, but please be aware that individual gifts should be valued at less than $20 and should not be conveyed "through" the mailbox as standard mail.
Don't forget to say hello to our new route courier, who will start on October 1st. Maybe they'll be driving our route for the next 30+ years!

Express your individuality while raising funds for the Spring Forest PTA with Free Dress Days, starting on September 26th. Purchase a wrist-band at drop-off on each of the listed dates above, or buy a year-round pass for a one-and-done solution. Visit the SFMS PTA Facebook page for more information.
Donate old mums, garters, or funds to the Stratford Parent Alumni and SHS Communities in Schools program to ensure current students can partake in this Texas tradition! Please make all contributions by Friday, September 27th. Email debbie_green@sbcglobal.net for additional information.
Be on the lookout for a small army of sugar-fueled 4th graders as they partake in a neighborhood scavenger hunt from 5:30 to 7:30 PM on Friday, September 27th. This wildly fun-draiser is brought to you by the McLawhon, Moore, Murphy, Schall, Warren, and Wohlfahrt families. Tickets can be purchased via the Nottingham PTA website.
Visit Dish Society on Memorial between 9 AM and 9 PM on Wednesday, October 2nd to raise funds for our Nottingham Knights. Mention "Nottingham Elementary" at check-out for dine-in and to-go orders to contribute to the NHE PTA. Special guests (NHE Teachers and Faculty) will be joining us al fresco from 5-8 pm, as well!
Stratford Homecoming is just around the corner on October 4th, but its never too early to prepare! Visit the Project Prom website to get your swag and support the class of 2027. Door hangers, drink buckets, napkins and cups make the perfect accessory for mum exchanges, tailgates and pre-dance events. Order today!
Arm your 2nd-grader with modern and vintage baseball cards and drop them off for a fun evening of pizza, trading, and wiffle ball on Friday, October 4th from 4-7pm. Tickets are $25 per child and support the Nottingham Elementary PTA. Special thanks to the Molinas, Delmores and Rakoczys of Thornwood for hosting!
Bloom Where You are Planted
Fall is a great time to plant new trees and shrubs since they will have many months to develop strong roots before the summer heat arrives. The exception to this is for plants that might be winter-tender in which case spring is a better planting time for them to allow their roots to be more developed before they face their first winter. Always check the mature size of the shrubs or trees you are choosing to be sure they will be the right size for the spot where you are planting them.
Plant pansies, violas, snapdragons, alyssum, dianthus/pinks, petunias, calendulas, larkspur, stock, lobelia, and ornamental cabbage and kale, etc. for winter color. In the event of a freeze later on, stocks, petunias, larkspur, and lobelias can handle frosts and light freezes into the high twenties, alyssum can handle the low to mid-twenties, Redbor kale and dianthus/pinks can handle the teens and low twenties, and pansies and violas can handle temperatures in the single digits and teens. For areas with shade try alyssum.
Avoid trimming azaleas and camellias since you will be cutting off next year’s blooms that have already set, but other shrubs can be trimmed lightly. Save any major reshaping for February just before the spring growth begins. Remove dead leaves and stems from perennials.
These tips are drawn from Lone Star Gardening by Neil Sperry and The River Oaks Garden Club’s A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast, 5th edition. The latter book advocates organic gardening practices but has a wealth of information specific to our area that is useful to all.
Don't let the brightest fundraiser of the year roll on by without you! Get your ticket ASAP to the NHE Let's Glow skating party on Sunday, October 6th for a morning highlighted with donuts and neon 'fits at the iconic Dairy Ashford Roller Rink. Rent skates and rollerblades there, or BYO wheels (non-electric scooters and ride-on toys welcome) for this fun-tastic fun-draiser! Many thanks for the Dongos, Hussers, Langs, Levickys, McDonalds, McLawhons, Murphys, Smiths, and Wagners for hosting this event.
Not sure if your favorite university offers a program of study that interests you? Unclear how the admissions process works? Don't know where to start when applying for financial aid? Find the answers to these questions and more at the SBISD College Night on October 8th from 6-8 PM at Spring Woods High School. Visit with representatives from over 100 institutions to get a jumpstart on your plan after graduation. Visit the T-2-4 College & Career Planning website or email T24SBISD@springbranch.com for additional information.
Leave the ghouls and boys at home while you enjoy some boos and treats at this year's Class of 2026 Project Prom Fundraiser Social. Enjoy a spirited night with other Junior Moms for just $50.
Can't make it? You can still enter the raffle for a grand prize sponsored by Guera Handmade Hats, Club Pilates, Mister Carwash, and Taste of Texas. No tricks here - get your $10 raffle ticket today! Winners need not be present for the live drawing on October 9th.
Yard of the Month
Sponsored by: Keller Williams Realty - Memorial
Congratulations to the August Yard-of-the-Month winner, Bebe & Joe Hood, and our September Yard-of-the-Month winner, Stephen & Camille Wieprecht!

The Sparta Fund serves to fill in the gaps when state funding cuts mean less money for technology, books, and equipment in our classrooms or events that further the education of our students. The first round of applications are due October 15th and must be submitted by a PTSA member in good standing.
Join neighbors from the wider Energy Corridor community for carnival games, hayrides, a pumpkin patch, and delicious food on Saturday, November 9 at Bear Creek Park for this year's Precinct 4 Fall Festival. To sponsor this event attended by over 5,000 local residents, visit the Precinct4Forward website.
ConocoPhillips has partnered with the Energy Corridor District to award local nonprofits whose mission and services impact the Energy Corridor community and surrounding area with more than $30,000 in grants this holiday season. Applications are open until October 31st; recipients will be announced at the Annual Tree Lighting on December 5th.

Have you noticed the most recent landscaping updates at the corner of Memorial Eldridge? Follow the District's lead by choosing plants for your yard that can withstand Houston's dynamic weather, like Asiatic Jasmine, Fig Sandi Leaf, Flax Lily, Red Rose Drift, Little Kitten and Maiden Grass for native beauty that lasts.
Engage Houston, a team within the Houston Public Works Department, is “working diligently to ensure all projects are completed as efficiently as possible” for the Park Ten Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project has impacted Eldridge Parkway between Park Row and the Bayou, though much of it involves underground tunneling work. For additional information about the project, or to voice your concerns, visit the Engage Houston website.

We appreciate your attention
Reach out to us with pertinent neighborhood and surrounding community news and updates, recommendations for families to feature in upcoming issue, and any advertising needs you may have. We reach just under 500 readers a month!
Your 2024 Westchester Owner's Committee Board Trustees: