Happy Halloween!
You're sure to get a fright when driving through Westchester these days, be it from the amazing holiday decorations or plethora of political signs that adorn the yards of our neighborhood. But don't let those lawn ornaments dampen the neighborly spirit kicked off earlier this month at Neighbor's Night Out, especially as we roll into what is sure to be a fun-filled holiday season with plenty of activities for all. Read on to discover how, when, and where you can celebrate!
Next HOA Meeting: Tues November 19, 2024 from 6-7 PM in St. John Vianney Room E-9
The neighborhood looks frightful in the most delightful sort of way right now! It's awesome to see everyone's excitement for Halloween, which has become quite the event across Westchester in recent years. Please be sure to drive carefully after work on Thursday, October 31st, as our littlest trick-or-treaters typically get moving before sunset. We often get visitors well into the evening, also, so remember to carry a flashlight, stay in groups, and only visit homes with their front light on - the universal sign that the resident is still participating in the festivities.
For those handing out treats, be sure to make note of any specialty-colored pumpkins or bags: orange typically means anything goes, but teal indicates a food allergy, purple is for those who may be sensitive to flashing lights, and blue is often carried by those that may not feel comfortable speaking at the door.
Luckily, you'll have a few days to recover from your sugar coma before casting your vote in the Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 5th. Voting will take place at a number of locations around town, including our very own Nottingham Elementary School from the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM. Remember to be respectful of the outcome and remove any political signs from your property by the November 15th, per the Westchester Deed Restrictions.
I hope to see everyone having tons of fun later this week celebrating Halloween, and look forward to seeing you at our monthly HOA meeting, around the neighborhood on a walk, or at one of our many holiday markets in the area. From the entire board, we wish you Happy Haunting and holiday hunting. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team with any feedback (good or not so good) or questions of any kind.
Here to serve you,
Sy Zaidi
WOC HOA Board President
Westchester is a part of the Memorial Super Neighborhood in Houston. Our next Super Neighborhood meeting is at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, November 19th at the Nottingham Forest Club.
Dress up and head to the Kendall Neighborhood Library’s annual Family Fall Festival for some indoor excitement for all ages on Thursday, October 31st. From 4-6 PM, guests will be able to enjoy a free carnival, arts and crafts, a costume contest, indoor trick-or-treating, and Storytime at 4:15 and 5:15 PM. Hope you can join us for some free family fun!
The library will be open during the event, so you can find a spooktacular story to tuck into after the festivities.
The Stratford High School Band and Color Guard want to help you get in the spirit with their exciting holiday fundraisers. Order holiday wreaths, garland, centerpieces, and other greenery to spruce up your space, or get your festive fix with a dozen frozen tamales in any one of 5 delicious flavors. Order by October 31st to support the SHS Band and Guard. Pick up later this year at Stratford or select the Delivery option during checkout.

Mark your calendars for the Stratford Market Days - Saturday, November 9th. More details to come via the Stratford PTSA website and calendar.
Check out a variety of food, art, clothing and home decor vendors at this quaint Fall Market presented by the St. Anne's Society. Join the fun on Friday, November 8th from 930 AM to 230 PM at the SJV Activity Center.
Head on down to the NRG Center between November 14th & 17th to see the amazing work that our very own neighbors, Megan Kessler and Tracey Williford, have put forth as this year's Nutcracker Market Chair(wo)men. This signature holiday event brings together hundreds of merchants and supports the arts education across the community through efforts run by the Houston Ballet.
Reminder! Tuesday, November 5th, is a school holiday for students in SBISD schools, as most schools will be utilized for voting purposes. Verify your voting status and approved polling location(s) through the Texas Secretary of State website.
Can't believe your elementary school years are almost over? Learn everything you need to know to ease the transition to middle school, including academic and social tips, at the upcoming SBISD Community Relations ParentU virtual event. Register now for the Zoom session on November 12th from 6-7 PM to get a head-start on this next stage of education.
Bloom Where You are Planted
If you want to move azaleas, camellias, or other shrubs to a different location, November and December are the best months to do that. You may need to remove some of the top growth to compensate for the shrub’s loss of roots. In the case of azaleas and camellias this will affect their next bloom season but they will recover in the following year. A root stimulator can be applied. Keep the transplanted shrubs moist in the coming weeks and months until they are reestablished.
Be prepared November through April for quick freezes. Watering in-ground plants before a freeze is beneficial, but never water during the freeze. Having a good layer of mulch helps preserve the warmth in the soil. Plan to cover plants that you know are freeze-tender to trap radiant heat from the ground and to help protect them from cold winds.
If desired, apply a broadleaf weed killer spray containing 2,4-D to eliminate dandelions, clover, henbit, etc. Follow the label directions carefully. As chrysanthemums and other perennials finish blooming, cut the flower stalks to the ground to permit all the strength to be used in root growth.
Plant pansies, violas, snapdragons, alyssum, dianthus/pinks, petunias, calendulas, stock, lobelia, and ornamental cabbage and Kale, etc. for winter color. For areas with shade try alyssum, petunias, cyclamen, English daisies, Sweet William/wild blue phlox, and forget-me-Nots.
These tips are drawn from Lone Star Gardening by Neil Sperry and The River Oaks Garden Club’s A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast, 5th edition. The latter book advocates organic gardening practices but has a wealth of information specific to our area that is useful to all.
Yard of the Month
Sponsored by: Keller Williams Realty - Memorial
Congratulations to the October Yard-of-the-Month winner, Emily and Ethan Cook!
Join neighbors from the wider Energy Corridor community for carnival games, hayrides, a pumpkin patch, and delicious food on Saturday, November 9 at Bear Creek Park for this year's Precinct 4 Fall Festival. To sponsor this event attended by over 5,000 local residents, visit the Precinct4Forward website.

We appreciate your attention
Reach out to us with pertinent neighborhood and surrounding community news and updates, recommendations for families to feature in upcoming issue, and any advertising needs you may have. We reach just under 500 readers a month!
Your 2024 Westchester Owner's Committee Board Trustees: