Hooray, Summer!
Vacation season caused a bit of a delay on the newsletter this month, but this issue is still chock full of helpful information, announcements, and neighborly news. Stay safe in the heat and while celebrating Independence Day!
Next HOA Meeting: Tues July 16, 2024 from 6-7 PM in St. John Vianney Room E-9
Hello neighbors,
Is it just me, or has Westchester felt extra-neighborly recently? The pool is hopping, the tennis courts are full, and everyone is sharing helpful information on the Facebook pages. We love to see vendor recommendations - help us take it one step further by asking preferred vendors to register on our Services page so they can be found by our residents any time of the year. Their listing supports the community and gives them greater visibility, too!
The 2024 summer season started with a number of heavy storms, as well as a number of thunderous wins by the Westchester Dolphins Swim Team! Read on for some suggestions about how to stay informed of local weather alerts plus a reminder of the final events for Swim Team this year.
Speaking of the pool, we thank you for your patience with us as we worked through the new online registration process, which has resulted in record-breaking sign-ups for the Westchester Pool & Tennis Club (WPTC)! We are especially thankful for your feedback about the process and plan to incorporate improvements for next year. We hope all the new members are enjoying the resurfaced pool plaster completed earlier this year.
Our Renovation Projects team has been busy getting the word out about the vote for an assessment to cover the cost of remodeling the WPTC bathroom facilities, but they aren't done just yet. We will host a live ballot cast-and-count at NHE on June 26th, with an announcement of results from the committee chair, Dath Collins.
Finally, in an effort to continue bringing relevant information to our community, please share with news@westchesterhouston.org any long-loved or fresh-and-new Summer Camp opportunities for kids of all ages. We'll be adding that information to the site later this year, courtesy of our own Whitney Smith, Realtor.
I look forward to seeing the continued neighborly spirit on full display this summer season, and invite you to join us at an an upcoming HOA meeting, community event or evening walk around our great neighborhood. From the entire board, we wish you all a fun-filled summer! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team with any feedback (good or not so good) or questions of any kind.
Here to serve you,
Sy Zaidi
WOC HOA Board President
Westchester is a part of the Memorial Super Neighborhood in Houston. Our next Super Neighborhood meeting is Tuesday, June 25th at the Nottingham Forest Club, with special guest former Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack.

Don't miss the opportunity to knock off two items from your to-do list in a single click: summertime school supply shopping AND the night-before scramble to get said supplies all packed up. Pre-order supplies curated by NHE teachers using code NOT001 by June 23rd for classroom delivery.
All votes are due by June 26th for the recommended assessment to renovate the Westchester Pool & Tennis Club bathroom facilities. Read up on the renovation on the Pool & Tennis page, or request a personal follow up from the The Renovation Project Committee, led by our very own Dath Collins. Vote early or come to NHE on June 26th at 6 PM to cast your ballot and hear the live announcement of the outcome.
Decorate your bikes, scooters, wagons, skates - and yourself - and line up in the front of NHE for the annual community Fourth of July Parade. Judging and a Flag Ceremony will be held at 9:45 AM on July 4th, with the parade beginning at 10 AM. Women's Club will pass out popsicles at the end of the parade at the Westchester Pool & Tennis Club. Everyone is welcome to join for a swim from 10:00-12:00 regardless of membership.
Find Farm-to-Table goodies right around the corner this weekend at the Energy Corridor Farmer's Market on June 22nd. Explore tables of delicious and nutritious treats for the entire family, including your pooch. The Market is kid-friendly, too, with a special program to help budding entrepreneurs sale their wares. Visit the YNFMA site for more info and mark your calendars for the special Berry & Melon Fest on July 20th.
The Dolphins rock the house! It's been nonstop action and excitement for this year's Westchester Dolphins swim team. The season will wrap up the last week of June with Prelims and Finals at Briar Village Pool on the 28th and 29th, followed by the end-of-season party at the Westchester Pool & Tennis Club. Be sure to RSVP and pay for non-swimmers' meals by Monday, June 24.
Hurricane Season is off to a strong start. Stay informed of local activity by following @ReadyHarris and @SpaceCityWeather on Instagram, or text GULF2024 to 888777 to receive Hurricane Season text alerts. Keep abreast of neighborhood-related storm activity, like power outages and downed trees by following the neighborhood Facebook page. And stock up on emergency supplies now!
Considering enhanced lighting or surveillance solutions for your commercial property? Apply to The Energy Corridor District’s Public Safety Grant for the opportunity to get reimbursed for your security-related expenses. Join other responsible commercial property owners in the area to help foster a safer and more secure environment. Awards will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. Applications close August 1st.

Bloom Where You are Planted
This is the best time to buy crape myrtles since it is better to buy them in full bloom to be sure you get the colors you want. Be sure to take note of their mature sizes and how well they will fit in the area you want them to fill as they grow to their natural size. Plan to follow the recommendation of gardening professionals by gently shaping and removing unwanted trunks each year rather than an unnecessary early spring “topping” that delays their first blooms.
While adequately watering plants during our hot summer months, avoid over watering plants which prefer dryish soil such as cacti and other succulents, bougainvilleas, geraniums, ixoras, kalanchoes, moonflowers, and morning glories. Some of the most heat tolerant annuals for color for sunny areas include moss rose, penta, angelonia, hybrid purslane, cleome, Dahlberg daisy, and gomphrenas for flowers and purple fountain grass, copper plant, ornamental sweet potatoe, amaranthus, alternantheras, and firebush for foliage. For shady areas they include wax and Dragon Wing begonia and flowering tobacco for flowers and caladiums and coleus for foliage.
For any plants showing iron-deficiency (plants with yellowed leaves but dark green veins which are most prominent on the newest growth at the ends of the branches) apply a combination iron/soil acidifier product. Keep iron products off concrete and other surfaces since the iron content can cause stains.
These tips are drawn from Lone Star Gardening by Neil Sperry and The River Oaks Garden Club’s A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast, 5th edition. The latter book advocates organic gardening practices but has a wealth of information specific to our area that is useful to all.
Yard of the Month
Sponsored by: Keller Williams Realty - Memorial
Congratulations to this month's Yard-of-the-Month winner, Bob & Julie Mullins!
Summer duds work year-round in Texas, so make sure you grab some items this season that fall within the guidelines for SFMS Uniforms. Note that sweatpants and joggers are no longer allowed, but leggings in black and navy have been added. View the complete rules on the SFMS PTA Facebook page.
A treasured youth member of our neighborhood passed away last month. Jackson Fulweber is survived by his parents, Michael & Erin Fulweber, longtime residents of Westchester. The community joined together to support the memory of the avid sportsman with green ribbons tied around our trees. Additionally, a GoFundMe was set up to cover the costs of this tragic loss; the excess of which will be donated to a non-profit in his honor.

We appreciate your attention
Reach out to us with pertinent neighborhood and surrounding community news and updates, recommendations for families to feature in upcoming issue, and any advertising needs you may have. We reach just under 500 readers a month!
Your 2024 Westchester Owner's Committee Board Trustees: